Two Lenses: Communicating Science

Maria Peñil, Mehmet Berkmen, Felice Frankel, and Pier Gustafson

HUBweek 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 6-7pm

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
415 Main Street, Kendall Square, Cambridge

As part of HUBweek 2017 Catalyst Conversations partnered with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for the third time to present a public conversation with artist Maria Peñil and microbiologist Mehmet Berkmen of Bacterial Art, and photographer Felice Frankel. The conversation focused on communicating science, visually and otherwise.

Pier Gustafson, a renowned Somerville artist, was featured in a participatory Twitter and drawing project in response to Two Lenses: Communicating Science.

Audience members were encouraged to tweet during the conversation using our hashtag – words or short phrases inspired by the speakers. The artist was not experiencing the talk directly, but was reading the tweets. Pier “responded” to tweets by sketching in real time, and creating short drawing movies from his sketches as a way of illustrating the ideas. The resulting movies were projected on a loop during the reception, for the delight and edification of all!