Thinking with the Body

Miriam Simun and Jody Weber

Thursday, April 19, 2018, 2-4pm

List Visual Arts Center, 20 Ames St, Cambridge
Interactive Program 2-3pm
Tour & Reception 3-4pm

Catalyst Conversations and MIT List Visual Arts Center were pleased to present a STEAM conversation: Thinking With The Body with Miriam Simun, an MIT research-based artist investigating the implications of socio-technical and environmental change with the project Training Transhumanism (I Want to Become a Cephalopod) and choreographer and dance historian Jody Weber whose latest creative work is Her Sylvan Ascent. This was an interactive conversation for all ages exploring and experiencing creativity through the intersection of science and dance. Presented as part of the 11th annual Cambridge Science Festival, April 13-22. 

Photo Credit: Chris Engles