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 Subjective Data

Nathalie Miebach and Ari Daniel 

Thursday, December 10, 2015, 6-7 pm

5th floor, Havana Room, Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142

Sculptor Nathalie Miebach and science reporter Ari Daniel joined together to explore how data informs us and in particular how they each unravel data in their respective projects. As artist and journalist, they are both compelled by receiving and responding to information, and to giving it shape and meaning.

In her work Nathalie Miebach translates science data into sculpture, installation and musical scores. She focuses on the intersection of art and science and the visual articulation of scientific observations. Miebach principally uses weaving and musical notations as a way of translating and understanding what she observes as a way to interpret data in three-dimensional space.

Ari Daniel is a science journalist based in Boston. He tells stories about science using radio, video, and online games. His reporting has appeared on a variety of outlets including NOVA, Public Radio International, and National Public Radio.