Art and Science Embodied

Julia Buntaine Hoel and Deborah Davidson in Conversation

December 12, 2018, 7pm 

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
415 Main Street, Kendall Square, Cambridge
Yellowstone Room 

Julia Buntaine Hoel, artist, founder and director of SciArt Center and editor of SciArt Magazine and Deborah Davidson, artist, founder and director of Catalyst Conversations sat down to share their experiences, challenges and thoughts for the future. For each of them, their particular interest in creating something which embodies the relationship between art and science has coincided with a broader interest in the two fields coalescing.

“Artists and scientists seek answers to the same fundamental questions: who are we, why are we here, and where are we going? Both art and science build models of human experience in order to extend the boundaries of human capacity. Despite this common ground, artists and scientists are too often separate in their endeavors.” SciArt Center mission statement

"Catalyst Conversations presents intimate and provocative conversations between artists, scientists, and the public. Sparking collaborations, synergy and the development of future projects with these communities and beyond." Catalyst Conversations mission statement